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To listen to values emitted by a custom element's output, sent to an Observer<any>, write $(name), where name is the name of this output.

When the output emits a value, the right-hand side (the Observer) receives this value.

It's converted to something similar to this:

node.setReactiveOutput('name', $observer);

Definition of a component's output​

A component's output is a special property, used to provide some output data or events from a child component to a parent component. We may think, for example, of an app-datepicker component, sending a selectedDate Event (of type: Date), to it's parent's component, when the user selects a date.

Creating an output​

Into the component file (.ts), the output may be defined like this:

interface IMyComponentData {
readonly name: Output<strig>;

export const MyComponent = new Component<HTMLElement, IMyComponentData, void>({
name: 'my-component',
componentData: (): IMyComponentData => ({
name: output<string>(),
templateData: (node: VirtualCustomElementNode<IMyComponentConfig>): void => {
const $name = node.$output('name');

// then we may play with the observer '$name' which reflects the emited data to the output 'name'
node.on$('click')(() => {

A component may have many outputs, with different types.

Alternative syntax​


Instead of using parentheses you may prefix the output's name with on-output.