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Style List


To define the style of an element updated by a reactive value of type IStylePropertiesMap, write [style...].

Only the previously received styles are removed, and the new ones added, so it's possible to cumulate this bind with [style.prop-name] for example.

It's converted to something similar to this:

toObservable($.styles$)((styles) => div.setAttribute('style', styles));

When possible, you should prefer the [] syntax, as it tends to be more readable.


[style...]="single(new Map([['line-height', { value: '20px' }]]))"


style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px"

To convert a "raw" list of style properties into a IStylePropertiesMap, you may use the function toStylePropertiesMap.

Alternative syntax​


Instead of using [style...] you may write bind-style---.